Neoclassical Acupuncture Live/Online and In-Person Training is for you if you want to:
- Increase your clinic flow with the most effective and efficient system in acupuncture today.
- Master the 5 levels of treatment: Meridian, Organ, Obstacles, Symptomatic, and Elements
- Learn to correct the constitutional imbalance of the patient with immediate effect on symptoms
- Understand how to receive immediate, objective feedback with each needle placed.
- Learn to gain a detailed diagnosis in just seconds.
- Get away from“ recipes” or “formulas,” and address the root problem with immediate results on all levels, including symptomatic
- After Advanced training, master the art of achieving the highest level of results with just one needle with no need to know the symptoms beforehand.
NCCAOM PDA’s approved for all courses. CA CEU’S under review
What people are saying
After a couple of years of practicing NCA, I want to say that this system is a life changer! I've seen miracles that never saw with other styles. I dare to say that NCA is right now the best acupuncture technique worldwide. Thank you Slate Burris for making this possible! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I am still surprised with the results that I have with this system! When I went to acupuncture school, I hoped for something that would make a difference in other people’s lives. I was soon disillusioned. Thanks to your sharing your method I have regained my confidence and happiness. My life changed because you shared your method with others. It has really changed my view about how potent our medicine can be.
Teaching is amazing! The energy of the lecturer is transmitted through the screen! This is happiness and a real discovery. I have been studying TCM for 14 years in various schools; Tan and Tung styles were also serious breakthroughs for my practice, but what I saw in this training was unbelievable! I understand what the highest professionalism is behind all this and that simplicity here is also a reflection deep knowledge and skills that our teacher possesses. This course is a real treasure and this unique knowledge is presented with great love.
After my medical degree I pursued a Master in Science and Phd. at Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine University. After completing I wanted to further my studies in acupuncture, and in that search I found Slate Burris. I studied with him for a year and discovered that his research in neoclassical Chinese acupuncture is groundbreaking. The method which he invented is based on ancient texts, however you cannot find his methods anywhere around. When I learned his system of acupuncture, I realized that it can be applied to any condition with astounding immediate clinical improvement. I firmly believe that his method is nothing short of revolutionary in the acupuncture field.
After practicing with NCA for the last 10 months, the results are outstanding. This is the most amazing method of Acupuncture l have ever learnt in 27 years of practice.
I have been fortunate to have done all the courses that Dr Slate Burris a modern day master, teaches and would highly recommend you do them, so that your practice just goes to another level,
Would give 10 stars if it was possible.
My world of acupuncture was completely changed after leaning Neoclassical Acupuncture. Dr. Slate Burris is a Genius! Now I know how to treat complex cases with confidence. The results are like magic I highly recommend to all acupuncturists to master NCA and fall in love with acupuncture all over again.
These courses opened up completely new horizons for me, a doctor with 35 years of experience in acupuncture. I was always in search of the most optimal and acceptable approaches. I studied in China many times in different places from Harbin to Guangzhou, but I always felt that I didn’t know something important. And now everything has fallen into place, the results are simply amazing.
The Neoclassical system, developed by Dr. Burris is based on ancient Chinese texts but with clear differences from the techniques commonly taught here in North America. Dr. Burris has developed a system with which almost all patients see drastic decrease in symptomatic complaints from the moment of needle insertion.
This is an original system and extremely effective. The course is the creme of acupuncture without a bunch of beating around the bush. Students get a shift in paradigm of what they previously thought of acupuncture. With this training my life has taken an enormous turn.
Dr. Slate Burris’s Neoclassical Acupuncture is the most out of this planet, amazing method of acupuncture. With minimal needling, the treatment is able to clear stubborn and persistent symptoms. I love being an acupuncturist.. but I think now I love it a million times more. Thanks so much Dr. Burris for your adventurous spirit.
I have been familiar with acupuncture for a long time. I studied it under the guidance of Vietnamese masters! But meeting Slate Burris completely changed my ideas about this science! Everything fell into place: a coherent system, the logic of needle manipulation and feedback, and most importantly amazing results! I am very grateful to Master Slate Burris for his brainchild, Neoclassical Acupuncture. A wonderful teacher and just a good person. With deep respect.
NCA Foundation Course Overview
Energetic Engineering: Neoclassical Meridian Therapy. Part I
Today begins with an overview of the entire course. Participants will get a look at the type of results they can expect from the various levels of treatment they will be learning in the online and presential portions of the course. To provide a fuller context for the specific levels of treatment that we will encounter, we will also take a look at the early development of acupuncture from a Neoclassical perspective.
The main theme for today is Energetic Engineering, this can be defined as understanding the interconnectivity between the meridians and the use of this understanding to open (and close) them at will. By the end of today’s class, participants will have learned a revolutionary approach to understanding the engineering behind the body’s meridian system, so that it can be put to use use with immediate effects. First, participants are taught a system in which an entire meridian can be opened with one needle. Opening a meridian implies removing pain along the entire length of a meridian. This level is still considered symptomatic to some extent, as the practitioner would need to know the are of complaint before the treatment takes place.
- Course Overview
- Meridians
- Organs
- Elements
- Obstacles: Extraordinary Meridians, etc.
- A brief history of acupuncture and the state of acupuncture today.
- Neoclassical Meridian Therapy I- How to open 1 meridian with one needle.
- Review of proper point location for transport points in the lower body. (This is because tomorrow’s system will be using only points in the lower section of the body).
Energetic Architecture – Neoclassical Meridian Therapy. Part II & III
- Today’s class will be a continuation of the system introduced on Day 1. After a review of yesterdays class, a method by which 2 or even 3 meridians can be opened with a single needle will be introduced. A new ‘rule’ will also be introduced which permits the participant to open 4 meridians with one needle. This new technique is important as it allows us to enter into today’s theme: Energetic Architecture. In this new method, the participant’s knowledge of Energetic Engineering (the interconnectivity of meridians) will be put to use to examine a meta-structure of the meridians with which with one needle all meridians can be opened instantaneously. Here we will penetrate the deepest level of the meridian system and in a majority of cases at least 50% of symptomatic complaints can be removed with just one to 3 needles, without knowing the symptoms beforehand.
– Neoclassical Meridian Therapy II- How to open 3 meridians with one needle.
– Neoclassical Meridian Therapy III – How to open 4 meridians with one needle.
– Using Clusters: How to evaluate the energetic structure of the body to open all meridians instantaneously.
– The eraser – How to erase the effects of the last needle placed. This may be useful in the case of misplaced points, points causing negative impact to therapy, or even to undo a treatment so that one can continue to practice with a study partner.
– The Sweeper- how to remove errant energy
Front Organ Alarms
Today’s class begins with a brief review of the central themes of the first two days. We will also discuss how to close meridians so that the student can learn to avoid this common occurrence. We will then move on to an in depth look at Chinese cosmology and the organs important place in applying that cosmology to the human body. We will then proceed to an introduction to the organ alarms with emphasis on front alarms.
These alarms will a serve us greatly in the second portion of the course, as they will aid us in discovering the precise cause of an elemental imbalance. Though front alarms play a major role revealing the cause of elemental imbalance, they can also be used as a potent treatment in and of themselves. We will also be learning the correct location of the Yuan points and how to use them in a treatment which acts on the organ level.
Closing Meridians – How to close several meridians with 2 needles. Closing a meridian implies causing pain on a meridian which has no prior sensitivity. This method should never be used on real patients and should be used on study partners only if the Erasure method has been mastered. It is important the participants understand this technique so that they do not unknowingly use it on a patient.
The secret to identifying irregularities in the organs
Chinese cosmology
How to locate and palpate the front organ alarms.
Introduction the Yuan points and their correct location.
How to use Yuan points to clear front organ alarms.
Clearing organ alarms as a treatment strategy in and of itself
Organ Alarms with Emphasis on Back Alarms/ Introduction to the Elements
Today we will have our first look at the back organ alarms. Like the front alarms, the back alarms will serve us greatly in the later in the course as they play a major role in revealing the precise cause of elemental imbalance. While the organ alarms will later be used primarily for a detailed elemental diagnosis, an effective technique for using the organs in their own right will be explored here.
Today continues with detailed background on how the elements began to take a central role in Neoclassical Acupuncture. By the end of the day, participants will be able to diagnose the element of predominance in seconds.
Front Alarm review
How to palpate Back Organ Alarms with the patient in supine position.
How to use Yuan points to clear back organ alarms.
Clearing back organ alarms as a treatment strategy.
How to resolve problems in all organs with 1-3 needles, with immediate effect on symptoms.
Introduction to the Elements and How They Entered Neoclassical Acupuncture
How to diagnose the Element of predominance in seconds.
A deeper look at Chinese Cosmology
The Elements
After a brief review yesterdays material we continue with a look two of the most unique aspects of the system: the existence of a sixth element and an ancient mode of interaction between the elements quite different from the commonly accepted motors of generation and controlling. Today will include many demonstrations so that participants can see firsthand the results that one can expect with the system. At the conclusion of today’s class, we are finally able to perform a complete diagnosis and treatment of the system of elemental imbalance.
History of the Pericardium
History of the Elements
A look at the two major schools of elemental interaction
The Complete Reality School of Daoism and the revelation of a once closely held secret in the 11th Century.
The secret of obtaining details about the elemental imbalance.
Explanation of the 6 elements and their motor of interaction.
Explanation of the elemental ‘see-saw,’ an ancient form of elemental interaction.
How to correct the elemental imbalance in seconds with immediate effects on the symptoms.
The Obstacles – Part I: “The Halves” and ‘The Eyes’
The student may have noticed that there a some cases (perhaps 30-40%) where symptoms were not completely relieved although the elemental imbalance was correctly addressed. This generally due to what we call Obstacles. These Obstacles are compared to dominoes in a line which refuse to fall, thus preventing the chain reaction in the falling of dominoes from the first to the last. When these Obstacles are addressed remaining symptoms generally disappear instantaneously. Today we will learn to diagnose and treat two categories of Obstacles: ‘The Halves’ and ‘The Eyes.’ These are very common Obstacles and are important to know how to diagnose and a treat if the practitioner is to be able to relieve 100% of symptoms in a majority of cases.
– Morning demonstration
– A look at the largest category of Obstacle: The Middles
– Earthquake’ and ‘Heavenquake’ : Two highly influential obstacles and their strange discovery
– The ‘Outer Walls’ and their relationship with Yin Qiao Mai, Yang Qiao Mai, and Yang Wei Mai
– The ‘Iron Beard’ and the ‘Iron Mustache’ – their diagnosis and treatment
– The ‘Iron Mustache’ and its role in false Ether
– The ‘half-moon.’ A common Obstacle which affects half of the body.
– Obstacle known as ‘The Eyes’
– The Ovary reflex
– The Testicle reflex
Obstacles Part II: Extra-Ordinary Meridians
Today we get a fresh look at the Extra-Ordinary meridians and learn how to diagnose and treat them with instantaneous results. This is a continuation and final presentation of the section of Obstacles.
– Review of ‘The Halves.’ (group of Obstacles)
– The ‘half-moon.’ A common Obstacle which affects half of the body.
– Darwinian evolution and the elements
– Introduction to the Extra-Ordinary Meridians (EOM)
– Palpation of the EOM and knowing precisely when they must be opened.
– Yin-Yang theory as applied to the EOM
– The secret to opening EOM by segment.
– A deeper look at Dai Mai and its four segments.
– A close look at Ren Mai
– Chong Mai and its oft related symptoms.
– Review complete protocol of elemental diagnosis, treatment, and removal of Obstacles.
Du Mai/Diagnosis without Back Alarms/Self Treatment/Neoclassical Auricular Acupuncture
Today we will begin with an examination of the final Extra-ordinary meridian (Du Mai), with an examination of its importance in the energetic and spiritual functioning of the body. As an example, we will be examining Hindu Mythology and its close connection to Ren and Du Mai.
We will then learn a novel technique whereby the practitioner can determine with 100% accuracy which relevant back alarms are active without having to actually check them. This algorithm works for all elements except for Ether. A simple alternative will be given for cases with Ether predominance.
We will also be exploring Neoclassical Auricular Acupuncture. Here the participants will learn a technique whereby the elements can be treated by the ear rather than the Yuan points.
Now that the practitioner can diagnose back alarms without the need to palpate we show techniques for self-therapy. Tips for palpation and needle insertions will be shown.
A review of the basic structure which underlies the entire Neoclassical System on all of its levels will be emphasized.
The rest of the time will be used in brief review with question and answer period.
Neoclassical Inversions
Though the Neoclassical approach to Meridian and Organ therapy generally removes symptoms without knowing them beforehand there are a few cases in which symptomatic complaints must be addressed directly. Today is largely dedicated to a novel method of addressing those symptoms with a technique known as ‘Inversions.’ Though this method has many applications from different systems, due to the fact that many participants have previously studied Tung style acupuncture, we will use 3-4 core Tung ‘recipes’ to invert- thus multiplying their usefulness far beyond that which is commonly known.
Inversions: A new technique based on the inherent structure of Neoclassical Acupuncture to create your own points.
Inversions with Tung family points, principle areas covered will be
– lower back
– cervicals
– neck
– inguinal
– wrists
– ankle
2025 Live/Online NCA Foundation Course
Dr. Slate Burris, DAOM, LAc
Live on Zoom, Participants have acces to video recordings for two weeks following each session.
Familiarity with meridian flows, basic points and needling techniques would be more than helpful.
9 days, 4 hours each
3 sessions (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Session 1
FEBRUARY 7-9 (2025)
Session 2
Session 3
2:00 pm-6:00 pm NEW YORK
Price for 9-Day Live/Online Foundation Course:
Regular Price: 1490 USD
Early Bird Special
1290 (If 300USD deposit paid prior to JAN. 7, 2024). Remaining 990 to be paid 2 weeks prior to course start date. Enrollment is limited. So we would recommend confirming attendance as soon as possible.
Refund policy:
* Full refund 2 weeks before session (minus 7.6 % banking commission) * 80% within 2 weeks before the beginning of session (minus 7.6% banking commission) * No refund after session begins.
Materials provided:
Participants will be provided with substantial materials required to assimilate information and practice successfully (presentations in pdf, recordings of each class.). Access to all online materials is provided for 2 weeks following each live session.
Whatsapp group:
Participants will be added to the group for discussing, asking questions, getting answers, comments, explanations.
8-Day Online Advanced Course One Needle Technique - Two 4-Day weekends
32 PDAs /32 CA CEU’s!!
MAY 1-4, 2025
MAY 15-18, 2025
2:00pm-6:00pm (EST/NEW YORK)
Regular Price:
1490 USD
Early Bird Special:
1290 USD (with $350 deposit paid prior to APRIL 7, 2025)
2025 NCA
JULY 11-13
Master your Palpation and Point Locaiton Skills!
JULY 11-13
Regular Price:
Early Bird Special:
What people are saying
After a couple of years of practicing NCA, I want to say that this system is a life changer! I've seen miracles that never saw with other styles. I dare to say that NCA is right now the best acupuncture technique worldwide. Thank you Slate Burris for making this possible! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Teaching is amazing! The energy of the lecturer is transmitted through the screen! This is happiness and a real discovery. I have been studying TCM for 14 years in various schools; Tan and Tung styles were also serious breakthroughs for my practice, but what I saw in this training was unbelievable! I understand what the highest professionalism is behind all this and that simplicity here is also a reflection deep knowledge and skills that our teacher possesses. This course is a real treasure and this unique knowledge is presented with great love.
My practice has changed in that I see incredible results, not just with pain but other concerns practicing NCA and I really appreciate the palpatory nature of the style…… One of the most profound aspects of practicing NCA is the immediate feedback that happens- a pain or tension will exist in the abdomen or legs indicating a deeper imbalance and after the needle is inserted and the point found, the pain/tension dissipates almost immediately. That part never gets old and it is great watching the patient's surprise at the immediacy….My practice is feeling more and more like what I have dreamed of and envisioned; why I went to school to become an acupuncturist in the first place. People are reporting massive changes- things like 'this is the best my feet have felt in years, I feel like I have my life back' or a level 9/10 disc herniation pain goes down to zero in 5 treatments, or after one treatment shoulder pain gone completely and still gone six months later.
After my medical degree I pursued a Master in Science and Phd. at Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medicine University. After completing I wanted to further my studies in acupuncture, and in that search I found Slate Burris. I studied with him for a year and discovered that his research in neoclassical Chinese acupuncture is groundbreaking. The method which he invented is based on ancient texts, however you cannot find his methods anywhere around. When I learned his system of acupuncture, I realized that it can be applied to any condition with astounding immediate clinical improvement. I firmly believe that his method is nothing short of revolutionary in the acupuncture field.
"Learning Neoclassical Acupuncture has been the most transformative journey for my acupuncture practice. This system has reignited my love for acupuncture, and all of my patients who I've transitioned over to this style are absolutely loving the results. This is how I always imagined acupuncture should be practiced - the patient's body is the guide and the feedback is instantaneous! I have completed the Foundations, Advanced, and Masterclass with Slate, and all of the classes have been absolutely outstanding. Slate has created a brilliant production for teaching the online classes while forming personal connections with all of the students, and then the in-person Masterclasses really solidifies what you've learnt online while forming a deeper connection with Slate and your peers. Slate attracts truly wonderful humans to his classes and has brilliantly created a supportive Neoclassical community among the students. I am so deeply grateful to Slate for his years of dedication and passion to unearth all of this magnificence and sharing it with us all. His warmth, sense of humor, and ability to connect with his students is a beautiful thing, and I consider myself lucky to be a part of the Neoclassical community. Thank you, Slate!"
After practicing with NCA for the last 10 months, the results are outstanding. This is the most amazing method of Acupuncture l have ever learnt in 27 years of practice.
I have been fortunate to have done all the courses that Dr Slate Burris a modern day master, teaches and would highly recommend you do them, so that your practice just goes to another level,
Would give 10 stars if it was possible.
I am still surprised with the results that I have with this system! When I went to acupuncture school, I hoped for something that would make a difference in other people’s lives. I was soon disillusioned. Thanks to your sharing your method I have regained my confidence and happiness. My life changed because you shared your method with others. It has really changed my view about how potent our medicine can be.
These courses opened up completely new horizons for me, a doctor with 35 years of experience in acupuncture. I was always in search of the most optimal and acceptable approaches. I studied in China many times in different places from Harbin to Guangzhou, but I always felt that I didn’t know something important. And now everything has fallen into place, the results are simply amazing.
The Neoclassical system, developed by Dr. Burris is based on ancient Chinese texts but with clear differences from the techniques commonly taught here in North America. Dr. Burris has developed a system with which almost all patients see drastic decrease in symptomatic complaints from the moment of needle insertion.
This is an original system and extremely effective. The course is the creme of acupuncture without a bunch of beating around the bush. Students get a shift in paradigm of what they previously thought of acupuncture. With this training my life has taken an enormous turn.
Dr. Slate Burris’s Neoclassical Acupuncture is the most out of this planet, amazing method of acupuncture. With minimal needling, the treatment is able to clear stubborn and persistent symptoms. I love being an acupuncturist.. but I think now I love it a million times more. Thanks so much Dr. Burris for your adventurous spirit.
My world of acupuncture was completely changed after leaning Neoclassical Acupuncture. Dr. Slate Burris is a Genius! Now I know how to treat complex cases with confidence. The results are like magic I highly recommend to all acupuncturists to master NCA and fall in love with acupuncture all over again.
I have been familiar with acupuncture for a long time. I studied it under the guidance of Vietnamese masters! But meeting Slate Burris completely changed my ideas about this science! Everything fell into place: a coherent system, the logic of needle manipulation and feedback, and most importantly amazing results! I am very grateful to Master Slate Burris for his brainchild, Neoclassical Acupuncture. A wonderful teacher and just a good person. With deep respect.
Why Neoclassical Acupuncture has become one of the fastest growing acupuncture techniques in Europe and the Americas:
- A revolutionary, palpatory style of acupuncture which provides immediate feedback with each needle placed.
- A full diagnosis can be arrived at in seconds.
- Diagnosis and treatment can involve up to 5 different levels: Element, Obstacle, Organ, Meridian.
- Clearing of each of these levels can be immediately verified via palpation and feedback from patients.
- Immediate efficacy with very few needles, with no need for ‘recipes’ or ‘point prescriptions.’
- When treated on the Elemental level, a domino effect takes place which often clears all levels immediately, removing symptoms in the process.
- After completing the NCA Advanced Levels, this domino effect can be achieved with just one needle
Dr. Slate Burris
Received his degree in Philosophy at Bucknell University. After a year in China under the tutelage of Master Wang Si Ping, he completed his Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine…
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to study directly with the creator of the style that is becoming the most requested in Europe and North America. The student will learn to master one of the most advanced techniques in acupuncture today.
English and Spanish Courses